Terry Richardson
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Diesel hosts its 3rd and final chapter of 'Brave' with an exhibition of American Photographer Terry Richardson's work.| Diesel
興奮並隆重地向大家宣佈,季刊“BRAVE”第四期的第三部份兼最後一部份,將為大家帶來美國傳奇及最廣為談論的攝影師Terry Richardson。
Diesel launch the third and final chapter of Issue Four of its seasonal’zine, “BRAVE,” by presenting an exhibition by American photographerextraordinaire, TERRY RICHARDSON titled “FROM RIO TO HONG KONG”.
This is Mr. Richardson’s first ever visit to Hong Kong, and he willbe showcasing a brand new body of fresh work in this exhibition, takenduring a recent trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where he shot artists,famous and anonymous locals, in unedited poses.
Mr. Richardson has also invited local artist Michael Lau to contribute to the exhibition.
It will be open to the public from DEC 1 to 23, 2007 at BRAVE, G/F, Pacific House, 20 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong.
www.diesel.comscreen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://www.kix-files.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/terry_rio_3.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" border="0">
Diesel is proud to launch (with, literally, a BIG BANG) the third and final chapter of Issue Four of its seasonal ’zine, “BRAVE,” by presenting an exhibition by American photographer extraordinaire, Terry Richardson.
Notoriously known to push the boundaries of fashion photography,Richardson, in his first ever visit to Hong Kong, will be showcasing abrand new body of fresh work in his exhibition, titled “From Rio to Hong Kong.”
In May 2007, Richardson spent a week in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where he shot artists, famous and anonymous locals, in unedited poses.Conceptualised and produced by Diesel’s team in Brazil (who sponsored the resulting book titled “Cidade Maravilhosa (Wonderful City),” the project gathered famous local names such as Camila Pitanga and Dercy Gonçalves, as well as random personalities such as male prostitutes and transvestites, who were shot at “funk ball” parties, “favela” slums and other interesting trademark locations. True to Richardson’scontroversial style, the resulting images fuse the sexual, sensual and natural with spontaneity and humour.
As part of his Hong Kong exhibition, Richardson has invited local artist, Michael Lau, to contribute to the exhibition. Lau is best known as one of the world’s most cult-famous toy designers, as well as being an artist and illustrator. This is the first time the two talents will collaborate.
Having previously shot two Diesel advertising campaigns, including the award-winning SS07 campaign, titled “Global Warming Ready,”Richardson has a strong relationship with the Italian fashion-lifestyle brand. To forge this further, he will also be shooting subjects for a Hong Kong version of the Rio book during his stay here at end-November2007. What to expect? “The best thing is to take the pictures to the limit,” he once said of his creative style.
Inspired by three words, “Only The Brave” — the Diesel corporate identity — “BRAVE” is a seasonal ’zine that’s different in attitude,content and creativity. With past issues in print form, “BRAVE” has evolved into a real, live, physical experience. Themed “Alive,” Issue Four is a three-part interactive journey through art, music and fashion, running from October to December 2007. Chapter One was launched in October with a Wing Shya photography exhibition and AliveNotDead.com music showcase. In November, Chapter Two highlighted four internationally renowned artists from New York — Suitman, José Parlá, Rostarr and Deanne Cheuk.screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://www.kix-files.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/terry_rio_1.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" border="0">
一直將時裝攝影的界線擴大,作品廣受注目的Terry Richardson將第一次到港,展示一輯全新的作品,名為“From Rio to Hong Kong.”
於2007年5月,Richardson去了巴西里約熱內盧,拍攝了很多名人和藝人,及更多的當地人,拍攝時全都是自然而沒有預先計劃過的姿勢。整個構思 和製作由巴西的Diesel Team負責(最終會編輯成 “Cidade Maravilhosa (Wonderful City)”一書),這次拍攝除拍下了Camila Pitanga及Dercy Gonçalves等名人外,還有男妓、易服癖等「普通人」,拍攝地點包括“funkball”派對,“favela”貧民區及其他有趣並具代表性的地 點。貫徹Richardson爭議性的風格,這輯相充滿著性、自然的肉體觀能刺激及相中主角自發性的幽默。
香港展覽的其中一部份,Richardson邀請了本地藝術家Michael Lau一起參與是次展覽,Michael是全球其中一名最出名的前衛玩具設計師,同時也是插畫家和藝術家,這是兩位藝術天才的首次合作。
包括獲獎的那一季SS07“Global Warming Ready”廣告,Richardson已兩次為Diesel的廣告操刀。他一直與這個意大利的時裝生活品牌保持著緊密關係,今次難得到港, Richardson將會於11月尾為香港版本的Rio一書進行拍攝,真的令人期待。正如他說,“The best thing is to takethe pictures to the limit”(擴闊拍照的界限是最好不過的事)。
受 “Only The Brave”—Diesel集團的宗旨—這三個詞的啟發而創立,“BRAVE”季刊代表了一種與眾不同的內容、創意和生活態度。由之前印製的 《BRAVE》雜誌,演變成最真實、最生活化的體驗,以“Alive”為主題的第四期《BRAVE》的內容涉及藝術、音樂和時裝,由2007年10月橫跨 到12月,是一段分為三部分的互動旅程。10月的第一部份是WingShya攝影展及AliveNotDead.com的音樂會;11月舉行的第二部份, 則介紹了4位來自紐約的國際知名藝術家Suitman、José Parlá、Rostarr和Deanne Cheuk。screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://www.kix-files.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/terry_rio_2.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" border="0">
About Terry Richardson
Terry Richardson is an international celebrity as well as one of the most prolific and compelling photographers of his generation. Known for his uncanny ability to cut to the raw essence of whomever appears before his lens, Mr. Richardson’s vision is at once humorous, tragic,often beautiful, and always provocative.
Born in New York City and raised in Hollywood, Terry began photographing his environment while attending Hollywood High School and playing in a punk rock band. And he hasn’t stopped shooting since. Mr.Richardson has lensed campaigns for such clients as Diesel, Gucci, Sisley, Miu Miu, Eres, Chloe, APC, Carolina Herrera, Nike, and Kenneth Cole. Terry’s editorial work has appeared in magazines such as Vogue,French Vogue, British Vogue, Japanese Vogue, I-D, Dazed and Confused,GQ, Harper’s Bazaar, W, and Purple, as well as a host of worldwide publications too numerous to mention.
Mr. Richardson is also a favorite among famous actors and musicians.His impressive list of subjects includes Daniel Day Lewis, Faye Dunaway, Leonardo DiCaprio, Vincent Gallo, Tom Ford, Sharon Stone,Mickey Rourke, Jay Z, 50 Cent, Kanye West, Mena Suvari, Johnny Knoxville, Nicolas Cage, Dennis Hopper, Maggie Gylenhall, Karl Lagerfeld, Pharell Williams, Chloe Sevigny, and many others.
Terry has been the subject of numerous group shows as well as one man shows at such esteemed galleries as The Alleged Gallery in New York City, The Shine Gallery in London, Gallery Emanuel Perriton in Paris,The Parco Gallery in Japan, and most recently, Deitch Projects also in New York City.
Many books have also been published throughout the span of Terry’s career. His first book, entitled Hysteric Glamour, was published in1998; this was followed by Son of Bob in 1999, Feared by Men Desired by Women in 2000, Too Much in 2001, and 2004 saw the publishing of both Terryworld and Kibosh. At the end of 2007, Terry’s latest book, CidadeMaravilhosa (Wonderful City), will be released, which is a special book project that Terry shot in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Terry Richardson是國際名人,當然也是現代其中一位最多產及最扣人心弦的攝影師。Terry有一種捕捉主角美麗以外的能力,在他鏡頭下的人都能流露最自然的本質,他的相片一直都是幽默的、悲慘的、有時美麗及常具挑釁性的。
於紐約出生並於荷里活長大,Richardson於荷里活就讀HighSchool的時候,組成了樂隊玩龐克搖滾音樂,同時開始他的拍攝生涯,之後就從沒 間斷過。他曾為Diesel、Gucci、Sisley、MiuMiu、Eres、Chloe、APC、Carolina Herrera、Nike 及KennethCole等拍攝廣告。他的作品一直於國際知名的雜誌如Vogue、French Vogue、British Vogue、Nippon Vogue、i-D、Dazed and Confused、GQ、Harper’sBazaar、W和Purple等出現,還有更多未必廣為人知的名字。
Terry Richardson還是很多演員和音樂人的御用攝影師,包括Daniel Day Lewis、 Faye Dunaway、Leonardo DiCaprio、Vincent Gallo、Tom Ford、Sharon Stone、MickeyRourke、Jay-Z、50 Cent、Kanye West、Mena Suvari、Johnny Knoxville、Nicolas Cage、Dennis Hopper、Maggie Gyllenhaal、Karl Lagerfeld、PharrellWilliams、Chloe Sevigny,還有更多的名字,全都與他合作無間。
他是全球最受尊崇的展覽館的指定邀請名字,不論是團體的還是個人名義的,如紐約的Alleged Gallery 、倫敦的 Shine Gallery 、巴黎的 Gallery Emanuel Perriton、日本的Parco Gallery,及最近於紐約舉行的DeitchProjects。
於Terry多年的職業攝影生涯中,當然還出版過不少相集,包括他於1998年推出的第一本書“Hysteric Glamour”、1999年的“Son of Bob”、2000年的“Feared by Men Desired byWomen”、2001年的“Too Much”、及2004年出版的“Terryworld”和“Kibosh”。於2007年尾,Terry的最新作品,Cidade Maravilhosa (WonderfulCity)將會出版,Terry就是為此書到巴西里約熱內盧拍攝的了。
再增加一篇引用 (以下文章轉貼於 該死的草莓)
祖師爺來報到Terry Richardson
在那資訊缺乏的年代,居然可以用祂的攝影做成的明信片組當做滿額禮,我還真的為了得到那組明信片買了近萬元….真是把我們當潘ㄚ!! 按!!!! 現在隨便去網路上當漏檔案大一點的圖檔來印都比當初送的質感好!!!
熱騰騰的新作品 今天出的美版GQ50周年的 生日女郎 CINDY CRAWFORD
Terry Richardson的個人風格強烈,話題性強,因此在近幾年廣受好評,從1998年到現在已經出了8本攝影集,除此以外,合作過的廠商多到嚇死人,下面是清單:Advertising:Anna MolinariAPCBaby PhatBanana RepublicBlack PrinceCarolina HerreraChloeClub MonacoCostume NationalEresGucciH&MHugo BossHysterical GlamourJigsawKatherine HamnettKenneth ColeLevi'sMatsudaMiu MiuNikeSisleyStussySupremeTommy Hilfiger Commericals, Music Videos:The Blues ExplosionDeath in VegasPrimal Scream Queens of the Stone AgeSisley Tommy Hilfiger Wanadoo Whirlwind Heat Magazines:AmericaAnother MagazineArena Homme PlusBlack BookButtDoingbirdDuneDutchThe FaceGQHarper's Bazaari-DIndexNumeroNylonPopPurpleRolling StoneSelf ServiceSpinTeen VogueVV ManViceVogueVogue ParisVogue BritainVogue NipponVogue Homme W